
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Memory restructuring

 Am reading one nice book and was struck by a fantastic sentence in the introduction itself . “ Memories are often pruned and shaped with an ego enhancing bias that blurs the edges of past events, softens culpability and distorts what really happened “. Can immediately relate to this, as I have often seen people recalling past events in such a manner as to carefully avoid any inference of wrong thinking or wrongdoing on their own part in those situations ! 

We can call these the manifestations of memory  doctrination and cleansing !😀😀

Monday, January 17, 2022

Restful dreams

Which phase of one's sleep is most restful ?  And are dreams conducive to rest or not ?

Conventional knowledge attributes rest to NREM ( non rapid eye movement) phases. 

However, based on my personal experience over decades, I wake up very fresh after a hectic bout of dreaming that occurs in  the REM phase. 

The brain is most active in this phase and there is lot of eye movement.

 Could this mean that keeping the brain active is more restful than stressful ? Even in sleep ??? 

 Certainly it seems so, at least from my experience. Wonder whether  others have experienced this !

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Hi friends,

The following disclaimers apply to all my posts.

The views expressed herein may not necessarily be mine. 

The people and events referred to may not necessarily be real. 

The interests of the writer could be unvested or vested. 

Readers are cautioned against drawing firm inferences, and future views may not necessarily be in consonance with past ones.

Cheers !

Portfolio approach to personality management

 Hi friends !

There cant be greater proof of my incorrigibility than the fact that several times I have attempted to revive

this blog.....but given up....only to attempt after years and years again! Never say die !

So lets see what 2022 holds for us !

A few random reflections follow.

Can there be a portfolio approach to personality management? 

A core of 80 % and a satellite of 20 %, with keeping the core intact for at least ten years or so, and playing

 around with newer tricks or treats or rather, traits in the satellite.

Will an analogy of asset allocation work?

 Sure, in the core, we need to make sure that there is width along with depth. Often the most boring people

are those who lack width but have great depth.  No one trick ponies please. Spread interest and knowledge

 across diverse subjects. And , like in portfolios, the asset classes or rather the subjects of interest for 

building personalities, should not all be positively correlated to one another.

Can go on....but for the nonce, that's all.