
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sense of proportion in charity

In absolute terms, any amount donated does make a difference.

But when I see many people making a song and dance abt their charity, which constitutes an infinitesimal percentage of their disposable earnings or wealth, it gets my goat.

The other day, one film star made it to the top ten generous celebrities by donating a princely sum of USD 100000...I thought I missed a few zeroes..

What percentage of his income wd this be?

And what abt those silent unsung multitudes who quietly give away significant percentages of what they have twds charity? They cdnt care less abt publicity, but it is they who shd be used as role models, not the in any case heavily publicised celebrity acts !!!

A related and relevant issue is the recent discovery that three children die every day due to malnutrition in Thane Dist, adjoining India's famous financial centre, teeming with the glitterati of industrial czars and celebrities..

At a rough estimate, 0.05 % of what they have can prevent these deaths, but is anyone listening???
And why shd they? as long as they make it to Page 3 or elsewhere due to insignificant charities, that garner disproportionate publicity? For all they need is to be spoken abt..children dying, well, tough luck...karma, right?

Friday, May 05, 2006

On details

It is said, the devil is in the detail.

In an entirely different context, attention to detail is fact it is a typical ELQ...Executive like quality.

Often, executives mistakenly avoid attention to detail, under the pretext of avoidance of details, and hence end up making several mistakes.

I must hasten to add, ATD is different from obsession with detail...The latter suggests non productive micro analysis, the former indicates a critical and keen eye to make sure all critical matters are correctly captured.

As a corollary, the phrase' brief details' may not be as strange as it can be avoidably brief abt detail, and lose out on accurate end results.